week six was quite slow for me but i was little busy with the show with the New Visual Collective family in jersey city. i think we have some people that are interested in what we're doing and want to be part of it as well. they are a lot of people my age that are out there doing their own things and it feels great to be part of that. a lot of people have came up to congratulating on this journey and it is the best feeling knowing you have supporters and to those people and others i say, you can definitely do it as well. it may not be quitting your job so you can focus on your art, but it can be something that is close to you that you've always to focus on. i look at this journey as that drastic thing that happened to me which is making me see things differently. for some reason i felt more connected this week than ever before. i'm learning to how to better utilize my surroundings and my inner thoughts.
lessons i learned from week six:
- though i mentioned it before, but making your days count is definitely a lesson that should be applied every single
- learning how to better understand your surroundings
- motivating yourself can be very hard
- being patient
- i think the world is to be used a guide through life
- learned a little how "race" came to play throughout our evolution