Jayani as Lovejoy
Jayani as Lovejoy
Jayani as Lovejoy
It didn't make sense to why she woke up with that note, so she spent that day wondering what she did wrong. Prior coming to Earth she was taught that mankind needed love to overcome all their struggles. While in her training she was also told never to reveal to anyone on Earth what she was and she thought maybe thats where she went wrong. Her training could of never gotten her prepared for what love actually felt like, and in her moments of vulnerability, she revealed to her lover who she was.
Its been three days and she no longer wanted to keep contemplating on rather she is good enough for mankind or if she could complete her mission. Though she didn't know much of how she came to be, she always had a feeling that she was surely special. Now she is ready to go on and keep exploring Earth. In a way she feels free.
The Moon had sent her on this mission, but never told Lovejoy that she is meant to go through this many times until mankind actually gets it right. Her first time on Earth was April 25, 2007 and has been here in 2011, 2013 and was last seen 2015.
Are we capable of to fully accept Lovejoy.
Jayani as Lovejoy
Jayani as Lovejoy