the honeymoon phase from the first week was over as soon the second week started. i learned from the second week not to let any bad energy or thoughts linger on. i got a little taste on how the world will see you after making the decision of quitting your job to do what makes you happy. so i've come up with a list on how to better go about the ugly days during your journey:
- know how to conquer each day
- you can do that be either planing the upcoming week or each day
- it will be an exciting yet scary journey
- he excitement will come from the freedom of doing as you please
- the scary part can be used as motivation so that you won't fail and that itself can be addictive.
- you will get a lot of support from those that believes in you, but the outside world will want to destroy you; its not often they meet someone that does not believe in the routine lifestyle they are stuck in
- get a better understand of what you want to do
- pay close attention to ones you keep close to you
- do not be afraid to fully invest in yourself
- be ready at all time to defend your decision
- one failure isn't the end of the world
most importantly, you must be ready at all time to keep pushing yourself.