third week

i was very productive in the third week and i made sure to stay active. i would recommend coming up with plans for yourself so that you won't waste your days, they can either be daily, weekly or monthly plans. either way just be productive. another thing i learned from the third week which i think might helpful in your journey; play close attention to your surroundings. things like coincidences, peoples energy and even your own. so here are a list of couple things i hope can help you when your ready to take on this journey as well.

  • be productive
    • daily, weekly or monthly plans can help stay on track on what you want to accomplish   
  • ind time to focus on your surroundings
    • found that meditating  can help or drawing so it all depends on your preference
  • speak your mind and stand up for yourself
    • ou will still find people that will always want to bring you down for doing what your doing, so be prepared

once in a while we need to hear that we're doing the right things and moments like that can definitely can give you a little boost; i found that i didn't really have to keep telling people why i quit my job, some either already knew or some were just happy to be around me. when your truly happy in what your doing or in process of becoming the person you always wanted to be, people tend to be pulled in by the kind of energy you put out in the world, so be ready for that and make sure to give them a little hope so they could along their own journey.
