fourth week

i can't believe it's about to be a month since I quit my job. i am amazed on how we perceive time when we are doing things that makes us happy. its almost as if it doesn't exists until you sit back and think of what you been up to (truly amazed by that). i really enjoyed this week because i had so many things going on and i was amazed on how many people showed support. was involve in a art showcase in brooklyn and it had a great turnout (did i mention how blessed i was to have so many supporters) and also had a little pop up event with my new visual collective family, which had another great turnout. since I always have a list of things to talk about to help you during your upcoming journey, this week i was focused on one word, "discipline." 

my week of discipline

  • i wanted to get into the habit of meditating every morning, which i think i did good with in my first week. started it off with five minutes every morning now this upcoming week gonna go for 10 minutes.
  • stay focus. i wanted to make sure that i did not get sidetrack with unnecessary things so i marked my left arm with an and it served as a reminder of what i should really be doing. the first couple days were easy but then i did get sidetrack into some old habits, cant beat myself up and i know what must be done to really get back on track and stay focus.
  • that also serves as a reminder to be careful on what i spent my time on. being that i am my own entity, i need to be wise on what i do and make sure it will benefit me.